Winter Boos – 1.1 – Color Me Crazy

Heyo! Welcome back to another installment of Color Me Crazy!

I’m not actually sure when this is gonna get posted. The computer I’ve been using has finally stopped playing TS3. And at the moment, it’s the only thing I’m in the mood to play. I have maybe another month until I get my new computer, so I’m not sure what the future holds.

Anyway! A recap!

Last time, we welcomed Olaf, who has since aged to toddlerhood, into the fold as the first of the white generation. Argus finally wolfed out and Bubbles plugged forward in her inventing(while electrocuting herself a little). And another baby is cooking!


Argus, and I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, is a pretty good dad. Wolves care for their young I suppose.


That…that’ll be useful. They still had plenty of cash from the car sale when Argus moved in. But any cash we can get now provides a solid foundation for the future Gens.


This is not helpful.  I’m so glad to be done with slow systems! I’m curious how the game plays now that my game is running super smooth on the new computer. Guys, it’s super smooth.

+ 1 Self Wetting


All praise the person who thought up the toddler walker item! I usually like the kids to be skilled by a family member, but with the ISBI element, it’s gonna be a tough ask.


Argus: I can’t go anywhere! My child is in the way!

Ugh! I forgot about that. Slight praise decrease for the toddler walker. I’m playing by the “One interaction per life stage” rule. So I used Olaf’s one interaction to move him so Argus didn’t die. I got rid of the walker then. The house is too small for a walker and at this point, the game is moving too slow to facilitate it.


When Bubbles went out last chapter and acquired the watermelons, I also had her grab some steaks. I might have even mentioned it. I’m not gonna check.

But now I get to see a werewolf nom on some raw meat. What else could a gal ask for?


Things seem to be going well.

Argus: I’m not dealing with this.


So, he dumped Olaf in the flipping crib. Leaving Bubbles to pick up the slack.


Yeah…yeah…obligatory nausea pic. Blah. Blah.



+1 Pass Out


At least he’s eating.

Bubbles: Turn off the damn lights!


First pop for baby number 2!


With all the things Bubbles’ been up to, she had quite a cache of Lifetime Happiness points. And since I’m playing by less stringent rules, I got Bubbles a Motives Mobile.

While I’m sure it’ll come to be used to ferry our idiots around, for the most part, I got it for Torch Holder use.


With Bubbles on maternity leave, it’s time to skill up Olaf.



Go Olaf! Go Bubbles! Go Anuenues!




Bubbles: Why am I doing this again?

Because most simmers most likely have a slight God Complex and you’re adorable. We need to spread the cute around!


Why are my sims always giving birth next to their children?

I feel like that would scar so many potential heirs and spares.


Another boy! I’m not too upset. I did kinda want a girl, but eh.

Anywho! This is Boo! Boo is a hydrophobic loner. Also, he’s a werewolf!!!!


Boo is named after the Mario baddie of the same name. Boos often come in different variations and King Boo is also a notable boss. I’m pretty sure all of this is accurate info. I did like a 1% worth of effort to fact check so…


Dang it!

+1 Self Wetting


Forking shirt!

+1 Self Wetting


+1 Pass out

And this is where I quit trying to play for a while. The computer I was working on was just too slow and it was causing too many fails due to lag.

Luckily, you folks don’t have to wait! Because I’m writing this after restarting on the new computer!


I’m not sure if there you can tell that I’m working on a nicer computer or not, but I’m glad this is the first image.

After Boo was born, the house was in desperate need of an upgrade. It was a bit too small and Olaf is about to age into a child. The upgrade was actually finished before the computer move but the game kept crashing so hard that I never got a decent picture.


I wasn’t really in the mood to do a comprehensive house tour so this is what you’re getting. Most of the room that existed before didn’t change but I expanded the main area, build that little kitchen room in the middle(because I thought it was fancy and I don’t totally hate it), and added a room for Olaf while fencing in a backyard area.

It’s not much but I like it!


Next order of business! Olaf’s birthday! I’m excited!

I want to get a better look at his features! I’ve kinda disqualified him as heir in my head, just because he’s not a wolf. But that doesn’t mean he can’t win me over. Wouldn’t be the first time in the history of ever.


Sparkles! Sparkles everywhere!

Annotation 2019-10-24 082402.png

Before we see the actual kid, let’s look at his new trait! Olaf rolls Neurotic. It’s not the worst trait panel ever. And if he somehow worms his way to Torch Holder, Neurotic isn’t the worst thing to be.


Oh…that’s not a great look.




He’s got a lot of Bubbles in him! I think he may have Argus’ overall face shape and mouth shape. But I think the rest is Bubbles.

Again I may be wrong. I should put a disclaimer before doing these that I’m not good at this.


Quick snuggles for Boo.

There may or may not be a couple of images that exist just because I wanted to oogle my new pretty graphics. I’m not sure you guys can even tell but during play, it’s a marked difference.


Like this picture. This is so pretty!


Look at how functional this family is now!

I may have prodded Argus a little by having Bubbles invite him to play and then canceling the action. But it was that or him looking out windows for days.

But overall! Productive!

And this is where we’ll leave it for now. After a bunch of failures, let’s leave it on this nice moment of peace.

See you later, buddies!


Pass-outs: 4
Self-Wettings: 6